Local Agriculture News in Northeastern Massachusetts

 Massachusetts Agriculture Facts

There are approximately 7,755 farms in Massachusetts working on over 523,000 acres to produce $492 million in agricultural products.  The average farm produces $63,470 of agricultural products on just 68 acres.  Massachusetts farms provide employment to nearly 28,000 workers in the Commonwealth.

  • At nearly $48 million, Massachusetts ranks 5th in the nation for direct market sales and 3rd in the nation for direct market sales per operation. Direct market sales account for 10% of the state’s total sales of agricultural products.
  • Massachusetts ranks 6th in the nation for number of farms with Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). There was  a 95% increase in CSA farms since 2007. Also the state saw growth in agri-tourism sales of 127%.
  • More than 80% of Massachusetts farms are family-owned. Over 95% fit the category of “small farms”, sales below $250,000.
  • Massachusetts principal operators average age is 57.8 years old.
  • Female farm operators account for 32% of the farm operators in MA, accounting for a 10% increase since 2002.
  • Nationally the U.S. witnessed a decline in agriculture from 2007 to 2012, although Massachusetts was one of the few states that experienced a 1% growth in both number of farms and acres in farmland.
  • Agricultural land preservation, environmental conservation, energy efficiency and business planning are some of the keys to the future viability of our Massachusetts agricultural enterprises.

Source: 2012 USDA Census of Agriculture

Farm Spotlight

Framingham/Village Green Farmers' Market
Village Green on Edgel RoadWaltham MA 02452
(781) 893-8222

Massachusetts Agriculture Tourism Map

The Massachusetts Agriculture Tourism Map will help you and your family plan a trip to a farm destination as well as the opportunity to visit a state park or other state recreational facility. The map offers brief descriptions about each farm to help guide the way to your next agricultural adventure!
Read More OR Download the Map

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