Northeast Harvest Buy Local Progression
Northeast Harvest Buy Local Program
♦ Area Served:
- 1261 farms stewarding over 50,627 acres of land
- Average size of farm – 40 acres
- Market value of Ag products sold = $101,718,000
> Crop Sales (81%) $86,750,000
> Livestock Sales (19%) $14,968,000
- Average market value per farm $75,898
- Total farm production expenses $124,158,000
- Average farm production expenses $95,900
- Net cash farm income of operation $706,000
- Average net cash farm income of operation -$2,214
- Average age of principal operator 57.85 years
The number of farms has increased by 30 farms since the last agricultural census in 2007. However, of those farms, the average size of farms has decreased by 10 acres. The market value of production has decreased by 8% and the expenses have increased by 11%. Of the 1261 principal farmers, the average age of the farmer is increasing. Ranking ALL US counties, Middlesex County ranks 10th and Essex County ranks 25th.
♦ Progress:
- Continued to support our website which assists the consumers in locating local produce in Essex and Middlesex Counties. Also enhanced website to make more user friendly. The number of farms listed on our website – just under 400.
- Hosted Annual Agricultural Conference to educate the farmer and the consumer. PACE credits were also awarded.
- Displayed banners and literature at local agricultural fairs to promoting local agriculture and buying local.
- Used Social Media as an outlet to promote local farms, farmers’ markets, and farm stands. Started Instagram as another social media output.
- Distributed E-Newsletters to promote farms, farmers’ markets, and farm stands. The newsletters also hi-light individual farms and events in the area.
- Participated in regular meetings with other eight MA Buy Locals to share resources, knowledge, experience, and including work on grant collaboration.
- Hosted two Student Ag Days, where over 400 youths had the opportunity to participate in eight hands-on activities, supervised by leaders from agricultural industry professionals. A farm-to-table lunch was also served to each child.
Farm Spotlight
Abbess Farm and Vineyard583 Winter StreetHolliston MA 01746
(508) 429-8697